Saturday, March 20, 2010

New boxing title: the existing but unseen one…

A lot of years ago, watching boxing is so exciting especially if it’s the heavyweight division and the near level titles. There’s Ali, Tyson, Holyfield, Lewis, so on and so forth. Boxing fanatics’ interest with the sports had increased that they are now holding up not only the heavyweight division level but also any other division levels.

Today’s generation had emerged the “pound-for-pound king” catchword. Floyd Mayweather Jr. started gaining the title and Manny Pacquiao continued it and even proved it more. Now the two so-call pound-for-pound kings have to settle the title. Who will gonna be the true p4p king?

The battle in the ring did not only concentrate with one division but it has evolved into winning divisions. The boxer’s journey has turned into exploring and winning belts in more than one weight class. Not only Mayweather Jr. and Pacquiao who had been and still is in this journey, there’s also Mosley, Marquez, Valero and more… name it.

See the boxing titles below that boxer are fighting for…

1. Minimum Weight
2. Light Flyweight
3. Flyweight
4. Super Flyweight
5. Bantamweight
6. Super Bantamweight
7. Featherweight
8. Super Featherweight
9. Lightweight
10. Light Welterweight
11. Welterweight
12. Light Middleweight
13. Middleweight
14. Super Middleweight
15. Light Heavyweight
16. Cruiserweight
17. Super-cruiserweight
18. Heavyweight

Now see the existing but unseen title that boxers may start fighting for…

“Pound-for-Pound King” title.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bruce Lee versus Manny Pacquiao

In any one-on-one combat or battle, aside from being physically strong, one should also be mentally alert. The mind should be as fast as a rocket to execute whatever tactics or strategies that one have within to win the battle. Speed is one of the distinct character that I think a warrior should have in order to dominate and out-do his opponent.

When it comes to strength and speed, two people always flash my mind: Its Bruce lee and Manny Pacquiao or Manny Pacquiao and Bruce Lee… whoever comes first in the list it doesn’t matter! Both are celebrities, an artist and a warrior in their chosen field.

Bruce Lee is a martial artist and has founded the Jeet-Kun-Do (one of his discipline and legacy). The late Bruce Lee as mentioned by his co-workers in film industry (cameraman, director, etc.) have really fast hands that even the camera used during his time have difficulty capturing his fight movements(hand movements). On the other hand, the popular Manny Pacquiao is a boxer and reigning in seven division titles in boxing. Speed is one of his great edges over his opponent as most boxing commentators say and also agreed by most of his rivals.

If this two, “known with their exceptional strength and speed,” will fight in the ring… who do you think will win the battle?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

“Five words: to love and to achieve"

For long, it has been believed that success in managing people in the workplace depends on the level of intelligence as reflected in your academic achievements, exams passed, and marks obtained, and others.

You may have wondered many times how seemingly ordinary people build their way to success in handling people or how a college dropout like Bill Gates (of Microsoft fame) manage to build such a vast empire for which he is envied by the entire world. There are many others like him who have made the difference, and this could be attributed on loving people. For instance, Mother Theresa who decided to devote her life as nun to social service with no resources of her own could successfully arose world conscience to help the needy and the poor. When Debashis Chatterjee asked her the secret of her leadership, her answer was simple but profound: “Small work with great love”. Love is the true hallmark of great leaders - love for their work and love for those with whom they work. Pressures of the task and the bottom line often crowd out the personal needs that people bring into the workplace. There’s always so much to be done. Who has time for kind words or listening or calling? When Robert Galvin (then CEO of Motorola) was asked by his son, Chris (now CEO of Motorola), for his philosophy of business replied: “Five words: to love and to achieve. And the second will never happen until you do the first.” To this day the word love is not stranger to people who work at Motorola.

Unfortunately, too many modern organizations encourage amiable superficiality and discourage deeper forms of human contact. In most workplaces, the unwritten rules are clear: stay on task, be friendly and upbeat, and avoid anything that hints at emotion or intimacy.
Monday, March 15, 2010

Essentials in Playing Drums

It's fun to play drums, of course that's if you're a drummer. "Reasons to play drums" is another factor to consider to enjoy the thing. It could be playing in a band, could also be just an interest that you have your own drumset in home and doing the gig with friends or with your ipod.

When I started playing drums, all I know that it requires is just a right beat and a right tempo. But as I continue playing the drums over the years together with the music band, I found out these essential things that a drummer should consider:

1. Play by the heart.

Know the song you are playing. This is knowing the message the piece is conveying. Know and feel the "substance of the song".

2. Know the proper handling of drum stick.

You may be good with the proper drum beats, your hands might be as fast as a rochet. But all will be in vain if you got sprain during the course of playing due to improper handling of stick.

3. Check the monitor speaker.

Once everyone starts playing their instrument with the vocalists having theirs microphones not to mention the existence of the audience, you might encounter difficulty hearing other instruments that may lead your drumming be in off-beat.

4. Avoid mishaps.

To avoid interruptions due to the stick that broke or a stick that slipped your hand, have a spare one placed beside you. Also, make sure that screws in each drums are tighten in its place. Know the proper sequence of songs or line-up you are playing.

There are lots of considerations a drummer could add from this citation. These are just few among the many that I know a drummer should consider. Happy drumming!
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