Friday, July 29, 2011

Five Things I Love in School

Here are the five aspects of school life that bring me joy: Friends/Acquaintances: The prospect of reuniting with school friends and making new acquaintances is something that always excites me. It's an opportunity to learn from others, sharing experiences and influencing each other's lives. Meeting new friends is also a chance to share my faith, considering my school as both my harvest field and my battlefield (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Allowance: Anticipating my allowance is a common sentiment among students as the school year begins. Having money in my pocket gives me the freedom to budget and spend responsibly. Wise budgeting enables me to afford what I need and even some things I want, while imprudent spending would undoubtedly lead to challenges (Proverbs 21:20). The Travel/Commutation: The journey to school, though challenging, is an exciting part of the school routine. Waking up early to avoid being late and making smart choices about transportation are essential. What I love most is observing fellow commuters and passengers. This provides a unique opportunity to learn from their conversations, reactions to circumstances, and various behaviors, contributing to my understanding of human dynamics (Proverbs 12:28). The Project: While projects can be daunting, I've learned to find enjoyment in tasks that may initially seem tedious. Every project, big or small, offers valuable lessons. It's not just about academic learning but also about developing a positive attitude and perseverance in completing tasks, including regular assignments (Romans 5:3-4). The Professors: The spectrum of teacher personalities, from friendly to formidable, adds a dynamic element to my school experience. The contrasting feelings of joy with friendly teachers and nervousness with more strict ones both intrigue me. Recognizing teachers as authority figures to whom I submit and from whom I learn emphasizes the collaborative nature of education. After all, a school is incomplete without teachers who impart knowledge and guide students (1 Peter 2:13a).


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