Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Recent Hostage Drama in Philippines

A week ago, a harrowing hostage drama unfolded in a prominent location in the Philippines. A bus, primarily carrying tourists, mostly Hong Kong nationals, was commandeered by a retired policeman seeking justice for his dismissal from duty, allegedly due to a crime he was convicted of. He implored the Philippine ombudsman to review his case, appealing for the reinstatement of his duty and the restoration of his benefits and grants as a law enforcer. Regrettably, the situation did not conclude positively, as the hostage taker, along with most of the victims inside the bus, tragically lost their lives. The question arises: who bears responsibility for the failure to rescue the victims? Some attribute it to the mass media's coverage, providing the culprit access to information that should have been withheld from him as he took control of the bus. Others point to the strategy employed by law enforcement, resulting in the failure to safeguard the victims and the inability to keep the hostage taker calm during negotiations. Regardless of the causative factors, what has transpired is irreversible. This incident has cast a shadow over the Philippines, eliciting unfavorable impressions from neighboring countries, particularly Hong Kong. It's essential to recognize this as an isolated case, with the actions of the perpetrator not reflecting the entirety of the Philippine citizenry. Unfortunately, despite clear explanations, influencing the opinions and sentiments of individuals is beyond our control. While acknowledging potential lapses leading to the tragic conclusion of the hostage situation, it is our hope that this incident won't foster lasting animosity among Hong Kong citizens towards their counterparts in the Philippines. May healing touch all those affected by the pain and sorrow. May this incident serve as a poignant lesson for everyone involved.


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