Saturday, March 13, 2010

Three-Dimensional Television

Three-dimensional television? Is it possible? Have you tried imagining having an iMAX like ambiance in your home? How about watching James Cameron's Avatar with your family and your pet dog beside you in your bedroom?

Well, 3D-TV could be a new catchphrase for the consumers of techi gadgets and equipments. This could be available in any market for the next years.

Days ago, the company of Sony Corporation announced its launching 3D-TV in India. Samsung Electronics also announced launching of the same-like thing for gadgets in other part of the world. The new gadget or appliance will really cost consumer/s lots of money. The challenge in manufacturing 3D TV defends on the availability of the costly components to create the thing. This will really costs a big investment for the manufacturing companies.

No matter what the challenges there are... it can't be denied that 3D-TV is about to be seen in appliance centers or in any market or even in your home. Maybe after a decade or more... it will not only be 3D TVs... there you could have a TV with hologram effect, how about that?

Brace yourself for where else the technology can bring you? Please, fasten your seat belts.


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