Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Recent Hostage Drama in Philippines

A week ago, a harrowing hostage drama unfolded in a prominent location in the Philippines. A bus, primarily carrying tourists, mostly Hong Kong nationals, was commandeered by a retired policeman seeking justice for his dismissal from duty, allegedly due to a crime he was convicted of. He implored the Philippine ombudsman to review his case, appealing for the reinstatement of his duty and the restoration of his benefits and grants as a law enforcer. Regrettably, the situation did not conclude positively, as the hostage taker, along with most of the victims inside the bus, tragically lost their lives. The question arises: who bears responsibility for the failure to rescue the victims? Some attribute it to the mass media's coverage, providing the culprit access to information that should have been withheld from him as he took control of the bus. Others point to the strategy employed by law enforcement, resulting in the failure to safeguard the victims and the inability to keep the hostage taker calm during negotiations. Regardless of the causative factors, what has transpired is irreversible. This incident has cast a shadow over the Philippines, eliciting unfavorable impressions from neighboring countries, particularly Hong Kong. It's essential to recognize this as an isolated case, with the actions of the perpetrator not reflecting the entirety of the Philippine citizenry. Unfortunately, despite clear explanations, influencing the opinions and sentiments of individuals is beyond our control. While acknowledging potential lapses leading to the tragic conclusion of the hostage situation, it is our hope that this incident won't foster lasting animosity among Hong Kong citizens towards their counterparts in the Philippines. May healing touch all those affected by the pain and sorrow. May this incident serve as a poignant lesson for everyone involved.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gadget Review Update: Disappointments in iPhone OS 4.0

Many iPhone enthusiasts were captivated by the recent public release of the new OS for iPhone. Packed with a multitasking feature, various enhancements, and complimentary apps, this latest offering elicited awe from devoted users. However, the unveiling of iPhone OS 4.0 also brought forth some challenges. Disputes arose not only due to the absence of Flash support but also the lack of FM radio functionality. Another notable absence is GPS navigation support. Users are required to install third-party applications for photo-editing, adding an extra step to enjoy such tasks. While the Apple CEO proudly promotes the multitasking feature of the new OS, a drawback surfaces: it is incompatible with older versions such as iPhone 2G and 3G. Additionally, the email experience may be less than optimal as the new OS lacks support for file attachments. In every technological advancement, flaws can be found. What other challenges might the newly released OS of iPhone 4.0 present? Let the consumers be the judge.
Saturday, April 10, 2010

iPhone OS 4 Update: Flash Not Supported

Recently, Apple announced the launch of its latest operating system for iPhones, named iPhone OS 4. As the newest iteration, expectations naturally run high compared to its predecessors. Reports suggest that the new OS enhances app performance, allowing them to run more efficiently. A notable pride of this update is its multitasking feature. However, despite the advancements in the iPhone OS, users should temper their expectations regarding Flash applications, as they are not supported. Could this be considered a potential flaw in the development of the new OS? A clear statement in section 3.3.1 of the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement sheds light on this matter: Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++, and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the Documented APIs (e.g., Applications that link to Documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited). If this is indeed the case, it is reasonable not to anticipate Flash support in Apple's newly released OS—iPhone OS 4.
Friday, April 9, 2010

An Update to the Newest Apple iPhone OS

We have known Apple for its releases of Macintosh computers, iPods and iPhones. Now it is releasing its newest operating system for iPhones that is iPhone OS 4.

This new release of OS may act as a pancake in the market as millions of iPhone units have been sold out and a lot of iPhone users are surfing the net for new apps. It is said that this newest OS release of Apple is boasting its multitasking feature. Yes, most of the features in the OS version this newby OS followed can still be found but lots of enhancement will surely be conceived.

As I read articles about this new OS4 of iPhone, the CEO of Apple stated that this one has an aide to run apps faster. If that's the case, iPhone users will be that excited to explore the new released OS. Not only this, there's more... it has been said that optical zoom feature in camera also improved. What a really wow!

Apple really knows how to tickle the consumers. Well, that's it!... as long the consumers get satisfaction with the product and services the market will go 24-7 in business and will keep running to give benefits both to the consumers and the suppliers.

a Drum Stick, not just a stick.

Whether you're an experienced drummer or a novice, the seemingly minor details play a significant role in the success of your jamming session, and one of these crucial factors is selecting the right drumstick. Drumsticks come in various types, catering to personal preferences and drumming styles. They differ in size, weight, and structure, offering a wide array of choices. Some sticks feature nylon or plastic tips, while others boast engraved wooden tips. Personally, I favor sticks with plastic tips, providing better control over the desired tone, especially when striking cymbals or performing rudiments (which I'll delve into in upcoming articles). On the market, you'll also find sticks without engraved tips, ideal for electronic drums. While experimenting with these on a traditional drum set, I enjoyed my drumming but encountered challenges with drum rolls and certain exhibitions or beat adlibs. Considering the distribution of mass, or the "weight" of a stick, is another crucial aspect. I've observed that heavier sticks are more suitable for genres like heavy metal or those requiring rapid beats. Personally, I lean towards long, thin, yet heavy sticks, as they align with my playing style. Drumstick brands also offer a diverse range of options, including Vater, Sabian, Zildjian, Stunner, Silverfox, and more. However, my preference lies with Vic Firth drumsticks. Paying meticulous attention to the drumstick's characteristics reflects your sensitivity to the sounds you produce while playing. It also indicates the development of your skill. Choosing a drumstick is not merely about its design but about selecting a high-quality tool that enhances your drumming experience. In essence, a drumstick is not just a stick—it's an essential, distinctive tool in the art of drumming.
Saturday, April 3, 2010

So Many Choices… for RP Presidency.

The Philippines is renowned for the multitude of presidential aspirants and political parties that emerge whenever a national election approaches. Without a stringent nomination or candidate filtering process, Filipinos are faced with an overwhelming array of choices. How can voters discern the competence of each presidential candidate? Relying solely on surveys, some of which may lack reliability, seems precarious. Should Filipinos hinge their decisions on popularity alone? Fortunately, there are individuals, hopefully a majority, who diligently examine the platforms and programs of candidates, delving into their backgrounds through extensive research. Many presidential hopefuls hail from well-known families: Gibo Teodoro, Noynoy Aquino, and Jamby Madrigal, to name a few. Some are related, such as Dick Gordon and JC delos Santos, as well as Noynoy and Gibo. The roster also includes religious leader Eddie Villanueva and lesser-known candidates like Nick Perlas and JC de los Reyes. Not to be overlooked are businessman and politician Manny Villar and the popular Erap Estrada. Each candidate possesses admirable qualities and flaws, along with varying degrees of influence, contingent upon the diverse groups and individuals supporting them. Undeniably, the plethora of choices for the presidency in the Philippines offers both benefits and challenges. While the abundance of options allows for diversity, it also risks creating chaos. The call to Filipino voters is clear: be wise in your decision-making process. Evaluate candidates judiciously and choose with discernment.
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Who gave birth to "April Fool"?

An April Fool is considered to be someone who sends jokes or plays tricks after noon. This is because in some countries, the jokes only last until noon. Whatever the origin of April Fool is... it's still unknown. More detailed references to the talked-about event are said to have piqued public curiosity in the 18th century. There are lots of theories that have been made and speculated about how the tradition started. Unfortunately, none of them has been successful in providing evidence. With this, the mystery of April Fool's Day's origin remains unsolved. Whatever and wherever the tradition started, most people still celebrate it. Are you ready to discover news saying that the planet has been invaded by aliens? Or that Bigfoot was found sitting beside Elvis Presley? How about learning that Michael Jackson is alive and enjoying summer beaches in a Southeast Asian country? Well, be wise. Be wise. Be wise.

pursuing EXCELLENCE...

For years, people have strived for excellence. Many individuals and organizations consider excellence to be a fundamental value or goal worth pursuing. What, then, is excellence? What does it mean to pursue it? What lies within the concept of excellence? Allow me to share some insights as we collectively strive for excellence: Excellence means: Surpassing average or mediocrity. Committing to go the extra mile. Devoting what you are, what you have, and what you do to God and then giving your best. Focus on giving your best without dwelling on rewards, as they will naturally follow. Steps to Excellence: Recognize the significance of the mediocrity problem. Decide to be an excellent professional. Regularly reaffirm your commitment. Consistently provide excellent service. Resist all temptations to backslide. Benefits of Excellence: Mastery of your craft. Admirable and marketable skills. A promising career trajectory. Fulfillment in life. Hearing the words, "Well done," from God. Are you ready to pursue excellence? :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010

What to do in times of desolation?

Times are not always easy. Friends may not always be there in difficult hours.
Just want to share things I usually do in times of desolation…

1. Relax.
2. Be still.
3. Be calm.
4. Be quiet.
5. Count blessings.
6. Be thankful.
7. Pray.

Consider applying things cited above especially the last but not the least item.
God bless!
Friday, March 26, 2010

A Journey of a Job Hunter?

It’s been eight years since I graduated college. As I looked back, there are people who are blessed to acquire a job right after schooling. There are some who were able to hit a good paying salary company despite of being a newby in the position they applied for. Some are already blessed (financialy) being in a rich family.

On the other hand, there are also some people who need to strive and prove more in able to get a job. I am one of those…

As I go along the job hunting, things did not go that easy before acquiring my first job. But I have learned a lot of things from that experience (of course, still keeps on learning until now) until reaching one of the dream jobs I am having now (as of this writing).

I enlisted below the lessons I have learned from the hardships I gone through in seeking job. This is in random order except item number 7.

1. save money… save every single penny… do all possible things to budget what you have;

2. work hard… persevere… think positive;

3. be resourceful, don’t just go out the streets to find job… read newspaper.. ask friends… attend job fairs;

4. have a nice written resume (have the “substance”), and have a lots of copies of your resume;

5. always smile, whether the employer/interviewer turned you down… you have to smile…anyway, it’s not the end of the world;

6. be confident in every interview may it be meeting the interviewer personally or just having the interview via phone

7. when all things did not go well or even all things worked out for you… still, acknowledge God. Admit that you cannot do anything without Him… without His favor… without His wisdom… without His blessing.

Then from item number 7, you will find joy with your journey as you hunt for job. Despite the hardships you will know that there’s a hope and still, you are blessed.
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don’t Die by Not Using Glass

An incident that occurred in the US is worth noting for its tragic outcome. A woman embarked on a boat excursion, bringing along cans of Coke, which she stored in the boat's refrigerator. The following day, she was urgently taken to the Emergency Unit of the hospital, sadly passing away after two days. The autopsy revealed that the woman had succumbed to Leptospirosis, and it was deduced that she contracted it from the cans of Coke she had consumed. Further testing on the cans indicated contamination by dried rat urine, ultimately leading to the victim's untimely demise. The lesson drawn from this unfortunate incident is to opt for using glass instead of drinking directly from any canned beverage. In the absence of a glass, it is crucial to thoroughly wipe and clean the upper part of the can before consuming its contents. Let this serve as a cautionary tale and a warning to all.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I will dance for dad...

An American actress has taken the stage in the competition "Dancing with the Stars." She enthusiastically entered the new season of the contest as a source of encouragement for her father, who is currently battling a massive stroke. Her father, valiantly facing this health challenge, has an inspiring request — he commits to medication and therapy only if she dances. It's important to note that the father is not imposing an obligation on his daughter; rather, he exudes full confidence in her ability to conquer the dance floor. He firmly believes that she will emerge as one of the finest dancers, irrespective of the competition's outcome. In the premiere of the new season, the celebrity daughter danced with her father. While they might not have secured the highest score, they captivated the audience and became the darlings of the night. For those curious about this remarkable journey, catch Shannen Doherty in "Dancing with the Stars" 2010, as she continues to make her father proud. Among the other renowned celebrities participating in the contest are Pamela Anderson, Erin Andrews, Buzz Aldrin, and many more.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Can an Earthquake Capable of Affecting Earth's Axis?

These past few months, mega earthquakes have been experience by countries that resulted to a great number of casualties. There’s the Haitian Earthquake, there’s the Chilean Earthquake, and some tremors were also reported in other part of the world. But can an earthquake have the capability to affect the Earth’s axis? The answer is yes. But not all mega earthquakes can influence the Earth’s rotation. That kind of earthquake that hit Chile recently can do the thing. Experts in NASA, as I have read in articles and news, Chilean earthquake has shortened the day for a milliarcsecond. This may not be that evident at all but it still cannot be denied that in some way or another can be a factor to another phenomenon that Earth might experience or have already experienced.

How can an earthquake like that in Chile has affected the Earth’s axis?

It has something to do with the weight that becomes heavier in the end or bottom part of the earth. This was due to the sliding of the earth’s plate that caused the earthquake. To make the concept easier to comprehend try doing this illustration:
Get a slingshot; put a light stone in it. Try to swing it in circular motion, and then observe the speed of the swinging. Now, this time try swinging the slingshot with a heavier stone. You will notice that the swinging is faster for the heavier stone compared with the lighter one.
This has the same concept of how that earthquake in Chile had affected the Earth’s axis. Ooops, take note that not all tremors will do the same impact to the Earth’s rotation, else… hmmmn… it will be disastrous.
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Earth Water Day ...an event or a practice?

People devices plans and strategies to conserve resources. There’s even declaring a day for a special event for everyone to support and be aware of like the World Water Day. This event is being supported and celebrated worldwide.

Its World Water Day today, March 22 and few more days to go comes the Earth Hour. Let’s leave for the meantime the Earth Hour and take a glimpse at the message the World Water Day is impressing to us. We may think that this is all about using water wisely or conserving the water resources.

As I think of it, I believe the message being conveyed by the event being celebrated today is more than preservation of water but for us to be a responsible individual; an individual who is rational and is capable of thinking; an individual who in very most cases had caused challenges encountered in water resources; also an individual who, though cannot change the past, is still in great capability to change and mold the future… to pass the lesson of being a responsible one in utilizing and preserving water from generations to generations.

May the Earth Water Day be celebrated not only every March 22nd of the year but also in every day of our lives and may this event make us aware in our every use of water… in every drop of water.

Earth Hour 2010... a global call... have you catched the message?

Earth Hour is being celebrated yearly every last Saturday of March.
This phenomena started in Sydney in 2007. Cities and areas in different countries followed the practice after the year it was conceived. Then in 2009, the participants have increased incredibly ten times it was in 2008.

Does this mean that people around the world starts to care for the planet?

Is the climate change really a threat to the mankind?

Well, it will only take each individual or each group an hour to participate in this worthwhile event. Yes, there will be a great saving of power consumption but the event is conveying a message more than that. A message that encourages everyone to unite and be a responsible individual to preserve the planet. Whatever damages the earth have incurred is no longer reversible but one thing is for sure we can still shape the future with our hopes and action...having the vision to preserve and utilize wisely whatever the natural resources we have now.

This is a battle that all of us needs to win. This is not a law of the jungle for everyone to survive. Be responsible... be accountable... be aware... and lets all act together in unity to face and resolve the issue the earth is facing now... the CLIMATE CHANGE.
Saturday, March 20, 2010

New boxing title: the existing but unseen one…

A lot of years ago, watching boxing is so exciting especially if it’s the heavyweight division and the near level titles. There’s Ali, Tyson, Holyfield, Lewis, so on and so forth. Boxing fanatics’ interest with the sports had increased that they are now holding up not only the heavyweight division level but also any other division levels.

Today’s generation had emerged the “pound-for-pound king” catchword. Floyd Mayweather Jr. started gaining the title and Manny Pacquiao continued it and even proved it more. Now the two so-call pound-for-pound kings have to settle the title. Who will gonna be the true p4p king?

The battle in the ring did not only concentrate with one division but it has evolved into winning divisions. The boxer’s journey has turned into exploring and winning belts in more than one weight class. Not only Mayweather Jr. and Pacquiao who had been and still is in this journey, there’s also Mosley, Marquez, Valero and more… name it.

See the boxing titles below that boxer are fighting for…

1. Minimum Weight
2. Light Flyweight
3. Flyweight
4. Super Flyweight
5. Bantamweight
6. Super Bantamweight
7. Featherweight
8. Super Featherweight
9. Lightweight
10. Light Welterweight
11. Welterweight
12. Light Middleweight
13. Middleweight
14. Super Middleweight
15. Light Heavyweight
16. Cruiserweight
17. Super-cruiserweight
18. Heavyweight

Now see the existing but unseen title that boxers may start fighting for…

“Pound-for-Pound King” title.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bruce Lee versus Manny Pacquiao

In any one-on-one combat or battle, aside from being physically strong, one should also be mentally alert. The mind should be as fast as a rocket to execute whatever tactics or strategies that one have within to win the battle. Speed is one of the distinct character that I think a warrior should have in order to dominate and out-do his opponent.

When it comes to strength and speed, two people always flash my mind: Its Bruce lee and Manny Pacquiao or Manny Pacquiao and Bruce Lee… whoever comes first in the list it doesn’t matter! Both are celebrities, an artist and a warrior in their chosen field.

Bruce Lee is a martial artist and has founded the Jeet-Kun-Do (one of his discipline and legacy). The late Bruce Lee as mentioned by his co-workers in film industry (cameraman, director, etc.) have really fast hands that even the camera used during his time have difficulty capturing his fight movements(hand movements). On the other hand, the popular Manny Pacquiao is a boxer and reigning in seven division titles in boxing. Speed is one of his great edges over his opponent as most boxing commentators say and also agreed by most of his rivals.

If this two, “known with their exceptional strength and speed,” will fight in the ring… who do you think will win the battle?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

“Five words: to love and to achieve"

For long, it has been believed that success in managing people in the workplace depends on the level of intelligence as reflected in your academic achievements, exams passed, and marks obtained, and others.

You may have wondered many times how seemingly ordinary people build their way to success in handling people or how a college dropout like Bill Gates (of Microsoft fame) manage to build such a vast empire for which he is envied by the entire world. There are many others like him who have made the difference, and this could be attributed on loving people. For instance, Mother Theresa who decided to devote her life as nun to social service with no resources of her own could successfully arose world conscience to help the needy and the poor. When Debashis Chatterjee asked her the secret of her leadership, her answer was simple but profound: “Small work with great love”. Love is the true hallmark of great leaders - love for their work and love for those with whom they work. Pressures of the task and the bottom line often crowd out the personal needs that people bring into the workplace. There’s always so much to be done. Who has time for kind words or listening or calling? When Robert Galvin (then CEO of Motorola) was asked by his son, Chris (now CEO of Motorola), for his philosophy of business replied: “Five words: to love and to achieve. And the second will never happen until you do the first.” To this day the word love is not stranger to people who work at Motorola.

Unfortunately, too many modern organizations encourage amiable superficiality and discourage deeper forms of human contact. In most workplaces, the unwritten rules are clear: stay on task, be friendly and upbeat, and avoid anything that hints at emotion or intimacy.
Monday, March 15, 2010

Essentials in Playing Drums

It's fun to play drums, of course that's if you're a drummer. "Reasons to play drums" is another factor to consider to enjoy the thing. It could be playing in a band, could also be just an interest that you have your own drumset in home and doing the gig with friends or with your ipod.

When I started playing drums, all I know that it requires is just a right beat and a right tempo. But as I continue playing the drums over the years together with the music band, I found out these essential things that a drummer should consider:

1. Play by the heart.

Know the song you are playing. This is knowing the message the piece is conveying. Know and feel the "substance of the song".

2. Know the proper handling of drum stick.

You may be good with the proper drum beats, your hands might be as fast as a rochet. But all will be in vain if you got sprain during the course of playing due to improper handling of stick.

3. Check the monitor speaker.

Once everyone starts playing their instrument with the vocalists having theirs microphones not to mention the existence of the audience, you might encounter difficulty hearing other instruments that may lead your drumming be in off-beat.

4. Avoid mishaps.

To avoid interruptions due to the stick that broke or a stick that slipped your hand, have a spare one placed beside you. Also, make sure that screws in each drums are tighten in its place. Know the proper sequence of songs or line-up you are playing.

There are lots of considerations a drummer could add from this citation. These are just few among the many that I know a drummer should consider. Happy drumming!
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Three-Dimensional Television

Three-dimensional television? Is it possible? Have you tried imagining having an iMAX like ambiance in your home? How about watching James Cameron's Avatar with your family and your pet dog beside you in your bedroom?

Well, 3D-TV could be a new catchphrase for the consumers of techi gadgets and equipments. This could be available in any market for the next years.

Days ago, the company of Sony Corporation announced its launching 3D-TV in India. Samsung Electronics also announced launching of the same-like thing for gadgets in other part of the world. The new gadget or appliance will really cost consumer/s lots of money. The challenge in manufacturing 3D TV defends on the availability of the costly components to create the thing. This will really costs a big investment for the manufacturing companies.

No matter what the challenges there are... it can't be denied that 3D-TV is about to be seen in appliance centers or in any market or even in your home. Maybe after a decade or more... it will not only be 3D TVs... there you could have a TV with hologram effect, how about that?

Brace yourself for where else the technology can bring you? Please, fasten your seat belts.
Friday, March 12, 2010

How is it to work in a call center?

Call center... a boom and a pancake for those looking for job, regardless if you are a well experience applicant or the one who doesn't have job employment records before.

Young professionals nowadays are fascinated to work in any call center and its easy to jump from one company to another. It's the salary and benefits that matters as most people says. A strategic location is also an another factor. To work in call center, specially in night shift or much known as graveyard shift is to drink more cups of coffee just to keep you awake. In most companies, being an agent is choosing a better seat if there's no seat plan.If you are a Customer Care Representative or a Technical Support Representative, you might be the one who avoids seats that always receives negative feedback or complain from customers, these seats that always receives escalation/s to superiors. Funny it maybe but this one really happens.

Another challenge is a defective computer peripherals, headset or even the amplifier being used if there's any. How would you enjoy your work if these things keeps on existing?

Well, you really have to find joy in everything you do... that's the bottom line in enjoying things amidst of challenges and adversities. Try to seek friends... try to befriend your superiors... befriend also the support group especially the IT guys and even the security guards. There are lots of ways to enjoy working in a call center. Start looking things differently. Start being thankful even in a little blessing that comes your way in your as you work. Be the best call center agent or employee you can be... soon or later you will reap your reward.

The Event: Pacquiao or Clottey

Who will emerge victorious and take home the WBO World Welterweight Title? Manny Pacquiao, who rose from humble beginnings, now stands as a global icon. His opponent, Joshua Clottey, may not enjoy the same wealth as Pacquiao presently, but he's recognized as one of the toughest fighters of our time. Clottey deserves commendation not just for his tenacity in the ring but also for his kindhearted nature. Unlike many contemporary boxers who indulge in trash talk to promote themselves, Clottey remains humble. Pacquiao, renowned for his roles as an actor, singer, and philanthropist, is also acknowledged for his humility in the sport. He is the crowd's favorite for the upcoming "The Event"—the clash of two formidable fighters. If Pacquiao triumphs in this bout, will there still be a need for him to face Floyd Mayweather, Jr.? In my opinion, it seems unnecessary. Pacquiao has already proven himself on numerous occasions. The impending weekend promises a spectacular fight—a win-win situation for both contenders. Pacquiao faces a larger and tougher opponent, while Clottey seizes an opportunity to defeat the seven-division World champion. Whom do you favor in this thrilling matchup?
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